How Mechanical Keyboards Work

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Keyboards | 0 comments

A mechanical keyboard is a type of computer keyboard that uses individual mechanical switches for each key, as opposed to the rubber domes or membranes used in traditional keyboards. These keyboards have become increasingly popular among gamers, writers, and professionals for their durability, tactile feedback, and customizability.

So, how do these keyboards work?

Mechanical keyboards work by using a separate switch for each key, which is activated when the key is pressed down. These switches have a metal spring inside that creates a tactile bump and an audible click when pressed. The type of switch used determines the feel, sound, and response of the key.

There are different types of mechanical keyboards available, each with its own unique feel and response. The most common types of switches are Cherry MX, Topre, and Kailh. These switches can also be further categorized into linear, tactile, and clicky switches.

The main components of a mechanical keyboard include the keycaps, switches, PCB (printed circuit board), metal backplate, and stabilizers. The switches are mounted on the PCB, and the keycaps are placed on top of the switches. The metal backplate adds stability and durability to the keyboard, while the stabilizers keep larger keys such as the spacebar or enter key from wobbling.

The switches in a mechanical keyboard work by creating an electrical connection when the key is pressed down. This sends a signal to the computer, which registers the keystroke. The metal spring inside the switch then returns the key to its resting position.

Now that we understand how mechanical keyboards work, let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of using one.


  1. Durability – The use of metal switches and a sturdy backplate makes mechanical keyboards more durable and long-lasting.
  2. Customization Options – Mechanical keyboards offer a wide range of customization options, such as different keycap designs and the ability to switch out switches for a different feel.
  3. Tactile Feedback – The tactile bump and audible click of mechanical switches provide a satisfying and responsive typing experience.
  4. Faster Typing Speed – The shorter actuation point and tactile feedback of mechanical switches can lead to faster and more accurate typing.


  • Cost – Mechanical keyboards tend to be more expensive than traditional keyboards, making them a significant investment.
  • Noise Level – The audible click of mechanical switches can be distracting for some and may not be suitable for use in quiet environments.
  • Heavier Weight – The use of metal switches and a metal backplate makes mechanical keyboards heavier and less portable compared to traditional keyboards.

Choosing the right mechanical keyboard can be overwhelming, but considering a few factors can help. Determine your needs and preferences, research different switch types, and consider the keyboard’s size and layout. It’s also essential to read reviews and try out different keyboards before making a purchase. With the right mechanical keyboard, you can enhance your typing and gaming experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mechanical keyboards have a different construction compared to traditional keyboards, using individual switches for each key.
  • There are various types of mechanical keyboards, each with different components and switch types that determine their performance and feel.
  • Benefits of using a mechanical keyboard include durability, customization options, tactile feedback, and faster typing speed, while disadvantages include cost, noise level, and heavier weight. It is important to research and consider your needs and preferences when choosing the right mechanical keyboard for you.
  • What Is a Mechanical Keyboard?

    A mechanical keyboard is a specialized type of keyboard that utilizes individual mechanical switches for each key. In contrast to membrane keyboards, which rely on a rubber dome to register key presses, mechanical keyboards offer a more tactile and responsive typing experience. These keyboards are renowned for their durability and longevity, with certain switches lasting up to 50 million keystrokes.

    Additionally, mechanical keyboards provide customization options, allowing users to select different switch types and keycaps that best suit their preferences.

    Pro-tip: When purchasing a mechanical keyboard, it is important to consider the switch type that best aligns with your typing style and desired overall feel.

    How Do Mechanical Keyboards Work?

    Mechanical keyboards operate by utilizing individual mechanical switches beneath each key. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of their functioning:

    1. When a key is pressed, the mechanical switch registers the keystroke.
    2. The switch contains a spring that provides resistance and tactile feedback.
    3. As the key is pressed, the spring compresses and activates a metal contact, completing an electrical circuit.
    4. The electrical signal is then sent to the computer, which registers the keystroke and displays the corresponding character on the screen.

    Mechanical keyboards have been in existence since the 1980s and gained popularity for their durability and satisfying typing experience. They went out of fashion with the rise of membrane keyboards, but have recently made a comeback among enthusiasts who appreciate their tactile feedback and customizable options.

    What Are the Different Types of Mechanical Keyboards?

    There are various types of mechanical keyboards available in the market, including:

    1. Full-size keyboards: These keyboards have a standard layout with a number pad on the right side.
    2. Tenkeyless keyboards: Also known as TKL keyboards, these omit the number pad to save space.
    3. Compact keyboards: These keyboards are even smaller than TKL keyboards and may exclude additional keys such as function keys or arrow keys.
    4. Gaming keyboards: These keyboards often come with additional features like RGB lighting, programmable keys, and dedicated media controls.
    5. Ergonomic keyboards: These keyboards are specially designed to provide more comfort and reduce strain with unique layouts and wrist rests.

    Each type of mechanical keyboard offers different features and benefits, so it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences when selecting the appropriate one for you. To learn more about how mechanical keyboards work, you can visit this reputed source.

    Just like a moody teenager, a mechanical keyboard is made up of multiple key components that all work together to create a satisfying typing experience.

    What Are the Components of a Mechanical Keyboard?

    Mechanical keyboards consist of several components that contribute to their unique functionality. These include:

    1. Switches: These are the individual mechanisms beneath each keycap that register keystrokes.
    2. Keycaps: These are the visible and replaceable elements on top of the switches.
    3. PCB (Printed Circuit Board): This is the main circuit board that connects the switches to the computer.
    4. Stabilizers: These components ensure smooth and balanced key movement, particularly for larger keys.
    5. Backplate: This metal or plastic plate provides stability and rigidity to the keyboard.
    6. Housing: The casing that encloses all of the components and provides protection.

    Each of these components plays a crucial role in the functionality and durability of a mechanical keyboard.

    How Do the Switches Work?

    Mechanical keyboard switches function by utilizing a physical mechanism to detect keystrokes. To better understand their operation, follow these steps:

    1. First, when a key is pressed, the switch’s stem moves downward, compressing a spring.
    2. As the spring compresses, it builds potential energy.
    3. Once the stem reaches the bottom, a metal contact point is closed, completing the circuit.
    4. This closure sends an electrical signal to the computer, registering the keystroke.

    Mechanical keyboards have been in use since the 1980s and were widely utilized in early computer systems. They gained popularity due to their durability and satisfying typing experience. Today, they remain a favored choice among gamers, programmers, and typing enthusiasts for their tactile feedback and improved typing speed.

    What Are the Benefits of Using a Mechanical Keyboard?

    While there are many different types of keyboards on the market, mechanical keyboards have gained popularity for their unique features and benefits. In this section, we will explore the advantages of using a mechanical keyboard. From its durability and customization options to the tactile feedback and faster typing speed, we will delve into the various ways in which a mechanical keyboard can enhance your typing experience. So, let’s dive in and discover what makes mechanical keyboards stand out from the rest.

    1. Durability

    Mechanical keyboards are renowned for their durability, making them a top choice among users. Here are some steps to take into consideration when evaluating the durability of a mechanical keyboard:

    1. Look for keyboards made with high-quality materials, such as aluminum or steel frames, which are known for their sturdiness.
    2. Check if the keyboard has a robust build, including reinforced keycaps and a solid base, to ensure long-lasting use.
    3. Consider keyboards with a high durability rating, such as those with a higher keystroke lifespan, for added longevity.
    4. Research customer reviews and ratings to gain insights into the keyboard’s long-term performance and durability.

    True story: A friend of mine accidentally spilled a drink on their mechanical keyboard, but even after thoroughly drying it out, it continued to work perfectly. This real-life experience showcases the exceptional durability and resilience of mechanical keyboards.

    2. Customization Options

    Customization options are a key feature of mechanical keyboards, allowing users to personalize their typing experience. Here are steps to explore customization:

    1. Keycaps: Swap out keycaps to change the look and feel of the keyboard. Choose from different colors, materials, and profiles.
    2. Switches: Experiment with different switch types to find the ideal combination of tactile feedback, actuation force, and sound. Options include clicky, tactile, and linear switches.
    3. RGB Lighting: Customize the backlighting effects and colors of individual keys to match your style or create unique lighting patterns.
    4. Macros and Programming: Assign macros to specific keys for shortcuts or create personalized key layouts with programmable software.
    5. Case and Layout: Select a keyboard size and layout that suits your preferences, such as full-size, tenkeyless, or compact.

    3. Tactile Feedback

    Tactile feedback is one of the main advantages of using a mechanical keyboard. This feature provides a satisfying physical response when pressing a key, enhancing the typing experience. When selecting a mechanical keyboard for its tactile feedback, follow these steps:

    1. Research different switch types: Look for switches such as Cherry MX Brown or Blue that offer tactile feedback.
    2. Determine your preference: Decide if you prefer a softer or more pronounced tactile bump.
    3. Try out different switches: Visit a store or borrow keyboards from friends to test the tactile feedback of various switches.
    4. Consider your typing style: If you type with a heavy hand, you may prefer switches with a stronger tactile bump.

    With a mechanical keyboard, your fingers will fly across the keys at lightning speed, unless you have a cat walking on them.

    4. Faster Typing Speed

    Using a mechanical keyboard can greatly improve your typing speed thanks to its unique design and features. To achieve a faster typing speed, follow these steps:

    1. Choose a keyboard with switches that have a shorter actuation point, such as Cherry MX Speed switches.
    2. Practice proper typing technique, using all fingers and minimizing finger movement.
    3. Take advantage of the tactile feedback provided by mechanical keyboards to develop a rhythm and flow while typing.
    4. Customize your keyboard layout and key mappings to better suit your typing style and reduce finger strain.

    By following these steps, you can enhance your typing speed and efficiency with a mechanical keyboard. Remember to start with a comfortable typing speed and gradually increase it over time to avoid fatigue. Happy typing!

    What Are the Disadvantages of Using a Mechanical Keyboard?

    While mechanical keyboards have many advantages, they also have a few drawbacks that may make them less appealing to some users. In this section, we will discuss the disadvantages of using a mechanical keyboard, including its higher cost compared to other types of keyboards. We will also explore the potential downside of its loud noise level and heavier weight, which may not be suitable for certain environments and preferences. By understanding these drawbacks, you can make an informed decision on whether a mechanical keyboard is the right choice for you.

    1. Cost

    When considering the cost of a mechanical keyboard, there are several factors to keep in mind to make an informed decision.

    1. Set a budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a mechanical keyboard.
    2. Research prices: Compare prices across different brands and models to ensure you are getting the best value for your budget.
    3. Consider additional costs: Take into account any additional costs such as keycap replacements or customization options.
    4. Weigh the benefits: Evaluate the benefits of using a mechanical keyboard, such as durability and typing speed, against the cost.

    You’ll never have to worry about your mechanical keyboard disturbing your co-workers again…unless you’re typing during a meeting.

    2. Noise Level

    Mechanical keyboards can produce varying levels of noise due to the physical switches they use. This noise level depends on the type of switch being used. For example, clicky switches such as the Cherry MX Blue create a distinct clicking sound when pressed. Tactile switches, like the Cherry MX Brown, provide tactile feedback without the loud click. Linear switches, like the Cherry MX Red, are the quietest as they lack both the click and tactile feedback. When selecting a mechanical keyboard, it is important to consider the noise level, especially if you work in a quiet environment or share a space with others.

    Fun fact: Some mechanical keyboard enthusiasts enjoy the satisfying sound of clicky switches and even refer to it as “keyboard ASMR.”

    3. Heavier Weight

    When selecting a mechanical keyboard, one important factor to consider is its weight. Here are some things to keep in mind:

    1. Portability: If you need a keyboard that is easy to transport, choose a lighter and more compact model.
    2. Stability: Generally, heavier keyboards are more stable and less likely to slide or shift during intense typing or gaming sessions.
    3. Keycap materials: Some mechanical keyboards use heavier materials for their keycaps, such as metal, which can contribute to a heavier overall weight.
    4. Desk space: Take into account the available space on your desk and make sure that the weight of the keyboard will not be an issue.

    The heavier weight of mechanical keyboards can be traced back to their origins in typewriters, which were designed to be sturdy and long-lasting. The weight provided stability and prevented the typewriter from moving while typing. This tradition has carried over to modern mechanical keyboards, ensuring a solid and reliable typing experience.

    How to Choose the Right Mechanical Keyboard?

    When it comes to choosing a mechanical keyboard, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this section, we will discuss the key factors to consider when selecting a mechanical keyboard. From determining your specific needs and preferences to researching different switch types and sizes, we will provide valuable insights to help guide you towards choosing the right mechanical keyboard for you.

    1. Determine Your Needs and Preferences

    When choosing a mechanical keyboard, it is important to determine your needs and preferences. Consider the following steps:

    1. Identify your primary use: Decide if you will primarily use the keyboard for gaming, typing, or a combination of both.
    2. Choose the switch type: Research and understand the different types of switches available (such as Cherry MX, Gateron, or Kailh) to find the one that best suits your typing style and preferences.
    3. Consider the keyboard size: Decide if you prefer a full-sized keyboard with a number pad, a compact tenkeyless (TKL) keyboard, or a smaller form factor like a 60% keyboard.
    4. Review additional features: Look for features like RGB lighting, programmable macros, and media keys, based on your personal preferences and requirements.
    5. Read reviews and try out different keyboards: Read user reviews and consider testing out different keyboards to get a better understanding of their feel and performance before making a final decision.

    Don’t get stuck with a switch you hate, do your research and choose the right one for your typing needs.

    2. Research Different Switch Types

    To research different switch types when choosing a mechanical keyboard, follow these steps:

    1. Understand the basic types: There are three main switch types – linear, tactile, and clicky. Each offers a different typing experience.
    2. Read about switch characteristics: Research the actuation force, travel distance, and actuation point of each switch type to find the one that suits your preferences.
    3. Watch and listen to switch demonstrations: Many online resources provide videos and audio clips that allow you to hear and see how each switch type sounds and feels.
    4. Consider switch brands: Different manufacturers produce switches with their own unique characteristics. Explore popular brands like Cherry, Gateron, and Kailh.

    Remember, finding the right switch type is crucial for a satisfying typing experience, so take your time and explore different options before making a decision.

    3. Consider the Keyboard Size and Layout

    When deciding on the size and layout of a mechanical keyboard, follow these steps:

    1. Determine the amount of desk space you have available.
    2. Take into account your typing preferences and whether you require a full-size, compact, or TKL (tenkeyless) layout.
    3. Consider any additional features you may need, such as media keys or programmable keys.
    4. Research various keyboard sizes and layouts to find the one that best suits your needs.

    Fact: The most popular keyboard size and layout for mechanical keyboards is the tenkeyless (TKL) layout, which eliminates the number pad to save space.

    4. Read Reviews and Try Out Different Keyboards

    When selecting a mechanical keyboard, it’s crucial to read reviews and test out various keyboards to find the perfect fit for your needs. Follow these steps to help guide your decision:

    1. Research: Read online reviews and comparisons to gain knowledge about different brands and models.
    2. Try in-store: Visit electronics stores and test typing on different keyboards to get a feel for the switches and overall typing experience.
    3. Seek recommendations: Ask friends, colleagues, or online communities for their suggestions and experiences with specific mechanical keyboards.
    4. Budget considerations: Compare prices and features to find a keyboard that meets your requirements without exceeding your budget.
    5. Consider return policies: Check if the retailer offers a return policy in case you’re not satisfied with your chosen keyboard.

    Remember, everyone’s preferences and typing styles vary, so it’s important to explore different options before making a final decision.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do mechanical keyboards work?

    Mechanical keyboards use physical switches underneath each key to register keystrokes, providing better tactile feedback and a more satisfying typing experience.

    What are the primary tools used in mechanical keyboards?

    The primary tool used in mechanical keyboards are the Cherry MX switches, which come in different variations to cater to individual preferences.

    What is the difference between a mechanical keyboard and a membrane keyboard?

    Mechanical keyboards use physical switches while membrane keyboards use three layers of plastic membranes to register keystrokes, resulting in a more tactile experience and preventing missed keystrokes.

    What is N-Key Rollover and how is it useful?

    N-Key Rollover is a feature in mechanical keyboards that allows for each key to be detected independently, preventing missed keystrokes. This is especially useful for gamers who need to press multiple keys simultaneously.

    Can mechanical keyboards resist liquid spills?

    Yes, mechanical keyboards are more resistant to liquid spills compared to traditional membrane keyboards. This is because the switches can withstand millions of keystrokes and are not affected by small amounts of liquid.

    What are some common types of switches used in mechanical keyboards?

    Some common types of switches used in mechanical keyboards include Cherry MX switches, loud clicking noises, slight resistance, and capacitive switches.

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